Saturday, May 12, 2012

Save the Girl Child

"Save the Girl Child" an issue i remember writing an essay on as a kid in a school competition.. Maybe 15 years back.. This has been a very old issue and has worsened with time and years gone by..

And what makes me write about it today again ages afterwards, is yes definitely the Aamir Khan's TV show. The show has stirred back the issue, shedding light to it. And he has become the crusader who gave voice to peoples hope. It is very nice of him to come forward not just to support an already existing socialist group, but up in the forefront making a change. He is using his influence for something good, and my Respect for him has doubled.

I know thousands of people were waiting right in front of the idiot box on the morning of Sunday waiting to see what the show was all about. And yes know Aamir Khan and the number of appearances he makes in any television show or entertainment show or award show, we all did kinda expect the unexpected out of him. And people were awed and inspired about the show and about what he said and did and aims to do ahead. I watched the show on a later date, mainly cause i do not have a television set at my hostel. I watched it much after reading about the entire buzz on twitter and facebook. I must say that is all we do, tweet, facebook and blog.

 Parts of the show made me cringe, Aamir Khan's opening monologue, the folk song in the end and the clips and pictures of helpless innocent kids that we have wronged . We have to accept it, that, shots of people crying and a painful story is what works to get peoples attention.

What shocked me was the sheer number of people who seemed aghast at the existence of this practice across the country. How isolated does one have to be from the country one is living in to not know about how widespread a problem this is? But like i mentioned earlier, "Save the Girl Child" is an issue i have heard through my school days, it has been a perennial issue. I am ignorant too about the political people and happenings of my country cause i choose not to know, there is no good that is coming from what they are doing. Talking about the people who rule us today, their ignorance has no boundaries, and it only gets proved over and over again.
We have become so disappointed and disgusted with these political and social representatives, that Aamir Khan seems to have became the one guy we could look up to.

What also shocked me were the educated husbands, who could let their wives go through all the torture their parents put them through. Let aside the torture by the in-laws, there were even cases where the husbands themselves turn into animals. More than shocking, it was something i could not accept, not from the ones who tie the knot with promising to protect and stand by through life and death, thick and think.. it was something that gave me goosebums.

We all know it is not in the hands or chromosomes of the woman that the child be a boy or a girl, it is the chromosomes (the X or Y) from the men that determines the sex of the child. And this is something we learn in school., you don't have to be a science graduate to know it. So why the torture? Why blame the woman? Maybe we should do some blame shifting here. Beat up the husbands every time a baby girl is born, he is the one who gave you the wrong chromosome. haa, hilarious isn't it?

All we can do it wonder what has the world come to? Midst uproars of gender equality, laws, equally educated men and women, the girl child is still dumped. Our society has dealt the girl child a rough hand, from before birth to the dark and end side of life.

We have all heard the adage, "be the change you want to see in the world". i am sure non of us, not me, not my friends and immediate relatives will ever do such a thing, but is that enough? NO, because there are other people who do this, and i do not really know how this is ever going to end. Like they say "well enough is not good enough"

But yet i hope as a girl that every other girl never has to go through something like this.

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